I have an index.html
which contains my Elm app. The Elm app uses various GET
s to an API served by the same server as the one that serves the index.html
Rather than hardcode the URLs in my Elm code for the GET
s, e.g.:
url =
is there a function which returns the value of window.location.href
I'd like to do something like:
url =
getHref() ++ "/api/tasks"
In this way, if I move my server to somewhere else I will not need to update all the urls in my Elm code.
There is elm-history package with the location
function for this, but it's deprecated and doesn't exist for 0.18
Then you might want to use elm-navigation package and explicitly store the current location in your model.
Please have a look at this example. A program with navigation can be created via:
Navigation.program UrlChange
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = (\_ -> Sub.none)
here is a type of message, which triggers on every url change, so you can process it and set the current location:
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
UrlChange location ->
( { model | location = location }
, Cmd.none
And then purely get the location.href
wherever the model is accessible.
In the provided application, this place is view
: viewLocation model.location
In your application, it's, for example, something like this:
url model =
model.location.href ++ "/api/tasks"