I'm trying to create a singly linked list without implementation. I'm doing this just to gain some deeper understanding on how structures work. I just want to create 2 nodes in the main function and link them. I could do that using typedef in the declaration of structures and by making the implementation, but that's not what I want (I can do that successfully).
I've written some code, but an error occurs at line 27 (the same problem appears at lines 29, 30 and 33). I know the explanation for this problem is rather simple, but I couldn't find it, either on my mind or on the web (or books). I'd appreciate any assistance in this problem. I've been programming just for the last year.
I thought in asking for help in CodeReview, but accordingly, to their FAQ, that wasn't the place to ask for help with this kind of problem.
Errors are:
27:11: error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'struct NODO ' from type 'struct NODO'
E.sig = F;
Same problem with the other lines. Everything is in the same file (.c).
Here's the full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct NODE {
int data;
struct NODE *next;
struct LIST {
struct NODE *first;
struct NODE *last;
int size;
void main(){
struct NODE E;
struct NODE F;
struct LIST L;
E.data = 1;
E.next = NULL;
F.data = 2;
F.next = NULL;
E.next = F; // line 27
L.first = E; // line 29
L.last = F; // line 30
struct NODE *ptr;
ptr = E; // line 33
while(ptr != NULL){
printf("%i\n", ptr->data);
ptr = ptr->next;
The problem is that you are trying to assign an object to a pointer. You should assign the address of your node and note the node object itself.
Try E.next = &F;
and same for all the others.