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Creating an empty VBox in FXML and later adding nodes in javafx doesn't work

In my FXML i have a simple empty VBox inside an AnchorPane:

<VBox fx:id="clients" spacing="10" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="50.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="150.0">

Then I want to add a node to the VBox in java class:

clients.getChildren().add(0, customObject.getGridPane());

But the node doesn't show up, VBox keeps empty.

If I simply add any node to the FXML then later adding a node in java works but not if it starts empty.

This works:

<VBox fx:id="clients" spacing="10" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="50.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="150.0">
            <Label />

It must be an easy thing I'm missing but couldn't find the answer anywhere.


  • use addAll method instead of add

    clients.getChildren().addAll(0, customObject.getGridPane());