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Spock test returns a null model

The problem is quite odd, since almost the same action returns the correct model with the difference that I'm not rendering a template but view.

First the controller action:

The rendered model exist here as you can see

author model exists

def saveAjax(Author authorInstance){
        respond view: 'index', authorInstance.errors
    } else {
        def author = new Author(username: authorInstance.username)
        render(template: 'author_row', model:[author:author]) //<--here the model is correct           

If I swap 'template' with 'view', the test passes

The service:

Author save(Author author) {
    return author?.save(flush: true)

The test itself:

void "Test the saveAjax action"() {

    when:"you do not have the correct params"
        controller.saveAjax(new Author())

    then:"expect to be redirected to index"
        view == 'index'

    when:"you have the correct params"
        controller.saveAjax(new Author(username: "Alice"))

    then:"expect to have model author" //<-- here I get author = null

The error:


Condition not satisfied:
|     |
|     null
[authorInstance:daily.journal.Author : (unsaved)]

I know that you could check the content of the rendered template but I am explicitly aiming for the model. Is there any chance of testing it?


  • Turns out that I hit upon a Grails convention over configuration thingy. Despite that the model is named author, it could be tested only as authorInstance. So I changed it to:

    then:"expect to have model author"

    in the spec passed. Still I will be glad if someone could explain to me why?