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reference assets with generated style data bind

I'm using the vue-cli 3 and want to generate background-image paths. Therefore I'm using the style data bind within an v-for-loop.

the component:

      <li v-for="(tool, index) in tools" :key="index">
        <a href="#" :style="{ backgroundImage: 'url(@/assets/icons/' + tool + '.svg)' }"></a>

export default {
  props: {
    tools: Array,

The images are in this folder: src/assets/icons/xxx.svg

The problem is, that the generated image path seems to be incorrect but I can't find the mistake.


  • That's because webpack is not parsing any path inside the HTML(he's not that smart -yet-).

    Anyway, you could trick webpack to get the URL for you. Doesn't look really like the best solution to me, but will answer your question. Just create a computed property for a new list containing all the tools with their image paths. The trick is letting webpack parse the URL path for you in that object, then reference it in your HTML

    Note: I supposed each item in the tools array is an unique string.

          <li v-for="tool in items" :key="">
            <a href="#" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${tool.img})` }"></a>
    export default {
      props: {
        tools: Array,
      computed: {
        items () {
          return => {
            return {
              name: tool,
              // the trick is letting webpack parse the URL path for you
              img: require(`@/assets/icons/${tool}.svg`)