I have a JSON like this:
"DATA": [
"docName": "xyz",
"result": [
"attribute": "attr1",
"value": true
"attribute": "attr2",
"value": true
"docName": "abc",
"result": [
"attribute": "attr1",
"value": false
"attribute": "attr2",
"value": true
My use case is to find all the docNames for which the attr1 = true
I tried a couple of filter expressions but I am unable to get the doc names. I tried something like this:
$.DATA[?(@.result[0].attribute=='attr1' && @.result[0].value == true)].docName
and I get the docNames, but I can't rely on the 1st element of the list. I need to verify if attr1 is present anywhere in the list with value of true.
Any help would be appreciated.
After some coding & then figuring out why this is not working, what exactly I found out is that, currently its not possible with jsonpath to get parent element from filtering child node (nested json). Open Issue Link
Otherwise this might have worked,
$.DATA[?(@.result[?(@.attribute=="attr1" && @.value==true)])].docName