First off, I found and read this:
LoadLibrary project.dll failed. The specified module could not be found
I'm running:
Windows 10 Enterprise
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz 2.49 GHz
8.00 GB (7.69 GB usable)
64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
According to "ver":
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.167]
Unfortunately I couldn't get the "Dependency Walker" application to open the DLL, when I selected the problem file it just went into a "Not responding" state and doesn't recover.
I'm registering a bunch of DLL's and all ok with the exception of one, it builds without errors but I get this when I attempt to register:
Edit: "Dependency Walker" does run, just goes into a Not Responding state for a long time, but eventually it comes back.
How do interpret the results to resolve the issues?
Error opening file. The system cannot find the file specified(2).
Same error reported for:
And many more DLL's
After waiting for "Dependency Walker" to finally come back, I could see that a referenced DLL was missing from the system.
I've now resolved this issue by installing the missing DLL.