I created a mix task which spawns a process.
It uses Flow
, reads from a stream and writes into a file defined in a consumer
At the end of the day it just spawn some processes.
If I run it through iex
it works fine as long as I leave the shell running.
But if I launch it from the command line as a mix task nothing happens, how do you leave the process opened?
use Flow
def run([stream]) do
specs = [{{ProdCon,[]},[]}]
consumer = [{{Consumer,[]},[]}]
|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.through_specs(specs)
|> Flow.into_specs(consumer)
Spawn a Task
doing the job and wait until it finishes with Task.yield/2
use Flow
def run([stream]) do
task = Task.async(fn ->
specs = [{{ProdCon,[]},[]}]
consumer = [{{Consumer,[]},[]}]
|> Flow.from_enumerable()
|> Flow.through_specs(specs)
|> Flow.into_specs(consumer)
case Task.yield(task, 3_600) do # wait 1 hour
{:ok, result} -> result
nil -> IO.puts("Failed to get a result :(")