I am trying to scale my application to work similar on various aspect ratios.
I read about viewport and camera. And came to a conclusion that I should use FitViewport for my game stage so that no asset is being stretched. And I will use some background image to fill the black bars caused by fitviewport. But the problem is, whenever I use any other viewport than FitViewport for background image, the whole stage (both background and main stage) are being stretched, is there a way we can get away from black/white bar of FitViewport? I tried all the viewports for background namely StretchViewport, ScreenViewport, FillViewport.
Am I missing something very trivial? or is setting up multiple different viewport on same screen possible.
ps I was able to setup two same viewports with different size on same screen. Here is the screen, I am getting after fitviewport. Notice the white bars on top and bottom which I am trying to eliminate.
this answer worked for me. Just for reference
You would need a second viewport, probably ExtendViewport with the same virtual dimensions as your FitViewport.
//create: fitViewport = new FitViewport(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT); extendViewport = new ExtendViewport(VIRTUAL_WIDTH, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT); //resize: fitViewport.update(width, height); extendViewport.update(width, height); //render: fitViewport.apply(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(fitViewport.getCamera().combined); batch.begin(); //draw game batch.end(); extendViewport.apply(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(extendViewport.getCamera().combined); batch.begin(); //draw stuff in border batch.end();
If you want to be sure the border stuff doesn't overlap your game, you could swap the draw order above.
Or you could just use ExtendViewport to begin with for everything.