I am trying to use https://github.com/json-path/JsonPath in Clojure
It looks straightforward from the README, especially since it uses static functions. So I replicated the example from the README:
(import '[com.jayway.jsonpath JsonPath Criteria Filter])
(JsonPath/parse "{\"a\":\"1\"}") ;; returns a com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonContext
(JsonPath/read (JsonPath/parse "{\"a\":\"1\"}") "$.a")
;; (.read (JsonPath/parse "{\"a\":\"1\"}") "$.a")
;; Exception ->
;; 1. Caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
;; No matching method: read
;; I tried variations of the above line
;; for some reason this seems to want to take `this` as first parameter - I cannot
;; figure out why, and cannot seem to be able to pass a valid value
How can I call this Java static function from Clojure? Why does it want as this
dependency: [com.jayway.jsonpath/json-path "2.4.0"]
The problem is the varargs with Predicate
on read
. On JVM-Level you have to pass those args as array. With Java the compiler will take care of that.
E.g. this works:
user=> (import '[com.jayway.jsonpath JsonPath Criteria Filter Predicate])
#<Class@5a114a96 com.jayway.jsonpath.Predicate>
user=> (JsonPath/read "{\"a\":\"1\"}" "$.a" (into-array Predicate []))