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Ansible Extract JSON Tag

I'm trying to work with Infoblox API, and it's responses. I would need to extract values of tags from the response, that seems to be in JSON format, but I cannot find the way to do it.

Here is my playbook:

- name: "Checking _node_exporter Service Record for {{ inventory_hostname }}"
    module: uri
    url: "{{ infobloxapiurl }}record:srv?{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    force_basic_auth: yes
    user: "{{ infobloxuser }}"
    password: "{{ infobloxpassword }}"
    validate_certs: no
    return_content: yes
  register: _infoblox_results

- debug:
    var: _infoblox_results.json

The _infoblox_results.json variable looks like this:

TASK [prometheus : debug] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /ansible/roles/tasks/task.yml:38
ok: [] => {
    "_infoblox_results.json": [
            "_ref": "record:srv/",
            "name": "",
            "port": 9100,
            "priority": 0,
            "target": "",
            "view": "default",
            "weight": 0

I want to use the data of _ref from _infoblox_results.json, but I wasn't able to extract it with regex_replace (it drops back the full _infoblox_results.json):

- name: Get Record ID
    _rcdid: "{{ _infoblox_results.json | regex_replace('record:srv.*\\/default,', '\\1') }}"

- debug:
    var: _rcdid
  when: _infoblox_results.json != []

Neither with json_query (it drops back nothing):

- name: Get Record ID
    _rcdid: "{{ _infoblox_results.json | json_query('_ref') }}"

- debug:
    var: _rcdid
  when: _infoblox_results.json != []

Can someone please point me into the right direction?


  • You have already an object in the memory, so simply refer to its value: _infoblox_results.json[0]._ref contains the string record:srv/

    With that you can split the string and select the second element:

    - name: Get Record ID
        _rcdid: "{{ _infoblox_results.json[0]._ref.split('/')[1] }}"