I have following matrix (MxN where M ≤ N):
0.8147 0.9134 0.2785 0.9649
0.9058 0.6324 0.5469 0.1576
0.1270 0.0975 0.9575 0.9706
From each row, I want to select following column entries respectively (one per row):
idx = [ 3 1 4 ];
This means we keep the elements in (1,3), (2,1) and (3,4), and the rest of the array should be zeros.
For the example above, I would get the following output:
0 0 0.2785 0
0.9058 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.9706
I currently generate this using a loop, which gets slow when the matrix size is bigger.
Can anyone suggest a more performant approach?
There is some discussion in the other answers/comments about performance. This is one of the situations where a simple (well constructed) for
loop will do the job nicely, with basically no impact on performance.
% For some original matrix 'm', and column indexing array 'idx':
x = zeros( size(m) ); % Initialise output of zeros
for ii = 1:numel(idx) % Loop over indices
% Assign the value at the column index for this row
x( ii, idx(ii) ) = m( ii, idx(ii) );
This code is highly readable and quick. To justify "quick", I've written the below benchmarking code for all 4 current answers' methods, run on MATLAB R2017b. Here are the output plots.
For "small" matrices, up to 2^5 columns and 2^4 rows:
For "large" matrices, up to 2^15 columns and 2^14 rows (same plot with and without the bsxfun
solution because it ruins the scaling):
The first plot is perhaps slightly misleading. Although a consistent result (in that the performance ranking slow-fast is bsxfun
then sub2ind
then manual indices then looping), the y axis is 10^(-5) seconds, so it's basically immaterial which method you're using!
The second plot shows that, for large matrices, the methods are basically equivalent, except for bsxfun
which is terrible (and not shown here, but it requires much more memory).
I'd opt for the clearer loop, it allows you more flexibility and you'll remember exactly what it's doing in your code 2 years from now.
Benchmarking code:
function benchie()
K = 5; % Max loop variable
T = zeros( K, 4 ); % Timing results
for k = 1:K
M = 2^(k-1); N = 2^k; % size of matrix
m = rand( M, N ); % random matrix
idx = randperm( N, M ); % column indices
% Define anonymous functions with no inputs for timeit, and run
f1 = @() f_sub2ind( m, idx ); T(k,1) = timeit(f1);
f2 = @() f_linear( m, idx ); T(k,2) = timeit(f2);
f3 = @() f_loop( m, idx ); T(k,3) = timeit(f3);
f4 = @() f_bsxfun( m, idx ); T(k,4) = timeit(f4);
% Plot results
plot( (1:K)', T, 'linewidth', 2 );
legend( {'sub2ind', 'linear', 'loop', 'bsxfun'} );
xlabel( 'k, where matrix had 2^{(k-1)} rows and 2^k columns' );
ylabel( 'function time (s)' )
function f_sub2ind( m, idx )
% Using the in-built sub2ind to generate linear indices, then indexing
lin_idx = sub2ind( size(m), 1:numel(idx), idx );
x = zeros( size(m) );
x( lin_idx ) = m( lin_idx );
function f_linear( m, idx )
% Manually calculating linear indices, then indexing
lin_idx = (1:numel(idx)) + (idx-1)*size(m,1);
x = zeros( size(m) );
x( lin_idx ) = m( lin_idx );
function f_loop( m, idx )
% Directly indexing in a simple loop
x = zeros( size(m) );
for ii = 1:numel(idx)
x( ii, idx(ii) ) = m( ii, idx(ii) );
function f_bsxfun( m, idx )
% Using bsxfun to create a logical matrix of desired elements, then masking
% Since R2016b, can use 'x = ( (1:size(m,2)) == idx(:) ) .* m;'
x = bsxfun(@eq, 1:size(m,2), idx(:)).*m;