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How to calculate sunrise and sunset times (matlab)?

I need to calculate the sunrise and sunset times in Matlab, but I a cannot find a correct (and easy) way to do that.

I need to get the same results as can be found in: and

I already tried to implement a function based on these articles and but the results are wrong. (maybe I am doing something wrong)

I also developed a script in Matlab that seems to be more accurate but I still not get the exact sunrise and sunset times:

% Parameters definition
lat = -23.545570; % Latitude
lng = -46.704082; % Longitude
UTCoff = -3; % UTC offset
nDays = daysact('01-jan-2017',  '15-mar-2017'); % Number of days since 01/01

% Longitudinal correction
longCorr = 4*(lng - 15*UTCoff);

B = 360*(nDays - 81)/365; % I have no idea

% Equation of Time Correction
EoTCorr = 9.87*sind(2*B) - 7.53*cosd(B) - 1.5*sind(B);

% Solar correction
solarCorr = longCorr - EoTCorr;

% Solar declination
delta = asind(sind(23.45)*sind(360*(nDays - 81)/365));

sunrise = 12 - acosd(-tand(lat)*tand(delta))/15 - solarCorr/60;
sunset  = 12 + acosd(-tand(lat)*tand(delta))/15 - solarCorr/60;

sprintf('%2.0f:%2.0f:%2.0f\n', degrees2dms(sunrise))
sprintf('%2.0f:%2.0f:%2.0f\n', degrees2dms(sunset))

This function gives me the sunrise at 05:51:25 when it should be 06:09 and the sunset as 18:02:21 when it should be 18:22, according to ESRL (NOAA).

The function was developed based on this:

What can I do to improve the accuracy and get the same values from the ESRL (NOAA)?


  • So, I have reverse engineered the functions from the Excel sheet provided on NOAA's website.

    Here you go. It computes the apparent (refraction-corrected) sunrise and sunset, accurate like a Swiss watch:

    function sun_rise_set = sunRiseSet( lat, lng, UTCoff, date)
    %SUNRISESET Compute apparent sunrise and sunset times in seconds.
    %     sun_rise_set = sunRiseSet( lat, lng, UTCoff, date) Computes the *apparent** (refraction
    %     corrected) sunrise  and sunset times in seconds from mignight and returns them as
    %     sun_rise_set.  lat and lng are the latitude (+ to N) and longitude (+ to E), UTCoff is the
    %     local time offset to UTC in hours and date is the date in format 'dd-mmm-yyyy' ( see below for
    %     an example).
    % EXAMPLE:
    %     lat = -23.545570;     % Latitude
    %     lng = -46.704082;     % Longitude
    %     UTCoff = -3;          % UTC offset
    %     date = '15-mar-2017';
    %     sun_rise_set = sunRiseSet( lat, lng, UTCoff, date);
    %     [sr_h, sr_m, sr_s] = hms(sun_rise_set(1));
    %     [ss_h, ss_m, ss_s] = hms(sun_rise_set(2));
    % Richard Droste
    % Reverse engineered from the NOAA Excel:
    % (
    % The formulas are from:
    % Meeus, Jean H. Astronomical algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Incorporated, 1991.
    % Process input
    nDays = daysact('30-dec-1899',  date);  % Number of days since 01/01
    nTimes = 24*3600;                       % Number of seconds in the day
    tArray = linspace(0,1,nTimes);
    % Compute
    % Letters correspond to colums in the NOAA Excel
    E = tArray;
    F = nDays+2415018.5+E-UTCoff/24;
    G = (F-2451545)/36525;
    I = mod(280.46646+G.*(36000.76983+G*0.0003032),360);
    J = 357.52911+G.*(35999.05029-0.0001537*G);
    K = 0.016708634-G.*(0.000042037+0.0000001267*G);
    L = sin(deg2rad(J)).*(1.914602-G.*(0.004817+0.000014*G))+sin(deg2rad(2*J)).* ...
    M = I+L;
    P = M-0.00569-0.00478*sin(deg2rad(125.04-1934.136*G));
    Q = 23+(26+((21.448-G.*(46.815+G.*(0.00059-G*0.001813))))/60)/60;
    R = Q+0.00256*cos(deg2rad(125.04-1934.136*G));
    T = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad(R)).*sin(deg2rad(P))));
    U = tan(deg2rad(R/2)).*tan(deg2rad(R/2));
    V = 4*rad2deg(U.*sin(2*deg2rad(I))-2*K.*sin(deg2rad(J))+4*K.*U.*sin(deg2rad(J)).* ...
    W = rad2deg(acos(cos(deg2rad(90.833))./(cos(deg2rad(lat))*cos(deg2rad(T))) ...
    X = (720-4*lng-V+UTCoff*60)*60;
    % Results in seconds
    [~,sunrise] = min(abs(X-round(W*4*60) - nTimes*tArray));
    [~,sunset] = min(abs(X+round(W*4*60) - nTimes*tArray));
    % Print in hours, minutes and seconds
    fprintf('Sunrise: %s  \nSunset:  %s\n', ...
        datestr(sunrise/nTimes,'HH:MM:SS'), datestr(sunset/nTimes,'HH:MM:SS'));
    sun_rise_set = [sunrise sunset];

    Edit: I have uploaded an extended version on Matlab File Exchange