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Why is setting a String in class not possible but getting the String possible?

My problem includes an Activity and a RecyclerViewAdapter. I want to pass the Stringvalue of an Uri from my Activity to my RecyclerViewAdapter. For passing I am using this Getter and Setter class:

public class updateDataAdapter {

    public String testurl;

    public String getTesturl() {
        return testurl;

    public void setTesturl(String testurl) {
        this.testurl = testurl;

The Recyclerview sends an intent with ((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(); and the Activity uses onActivityResult to receive the intent and RequestCode.

Code from Recyclerview .java:

Intent intent = new Intent();



((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Image From Gallery"), 1);

The Context is the Activity (Given as parameter at Setting the adapter).

Code of onActivityResult in Activty:

public void onActivityResult(int RC, int RQC, Intent I) {

    super.onActivityResult(RC, RQC, I);

    if (RC == 1 && RQC == RESULT_OK && I != null && I.getData() != null) {

        Uri uri2 = I.getData();

        updateDataAdapter  updateDataAdapter = new updateDataAdapter();

        try { 
        } catch(IOException e) {


If I call getTesturl in my RecyclerViewAdapter the String is empty.

That's why I tried different things to locate the problem.

First I set (in my public String testurl; to public String testurl = "This is my text"; and calling getTesturl receives the text "This is my text".

So I could conclude that the problem is setTesturl.

So I tried to replace updateDataAdapter.setTesturl(String.ValueOf(uri2)); with updateDataAdapter.setTesturl("This is my text");

But in this case the String is empty.

How can I solve the problem and why is my code not working?

Please help me.


  • 'updateDataAdapter' should declared class member variable.

    private updateDataAdapter  updateDataAdapter = new updateDataAdapter();
    public void onActivityResult(int RC, int RQC, Intent I) {
        super.onActivityResult(RC, RQC, I);
        if (RC == 1 && RQC == RESULT_OK && I != null && I.getData() != null) {
            Uri uri2 = I.getData();
            try { 
            catch(IOException e){