I'm trying to get the price from a product on a webpage. Specifically from within the following html. I don't know how to use CSS but these are my attempts so far.
<div class="pd-price grid-100">
<!-- Selling Price -->
<div class="met-product-price v-spacing-small" data-met-type="regular">
<span class="primary-font jumbo strong art-pd-price">
<sup class="dollar-symbol" itemprop="PriceCurrency" content="USD">$</sup>
<span itemprop="price" content="399.00"></span>
This obviously resides further within a webpage but here is the java code i've attempted to run this.
String url ="https://www.lowes.com/pd/GE-700-sq-ft-Window-Air-Conditioner-115-Volt-14000-BTU-ENERGY-STAR/1000380463";
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).timeout(0).get();
String price = document.select("div.pd-price").text();
String title = document.title(); //Get title
System.out.println(" Title: " + title); //Print title.
First you should familiarize yourself with CSS Selector
W3School has some resource to get you started.
In this case, the thing you need resides inside div
with pd-price
so div.pd-price
is already correct.
You need to get the element first.
Element outerDiv = document.selectFirst("div.pd-price");
And then get the child div with another selector
Element innerDiv = outerDiv.selectFirst("div.met-product-price");
And then get the span element inside it
Element spanElement = innerDiv.selectFirst("span.art-pd-price");
At this point you could get the <sup>
element but in this case, you can just call text()
method to get the text
This will print
$ 399.0
Edit: After seeing comments in other answer
You can get cookie from your browser and send it from Jsoup to bypass the zipcode requirement
Document document = Jsoup.connect("https://www.lowes.com/pd/GE-700-sq-ft-Window-Air-Conditioner-115-Volt-14000-BTU-ENERGY-STAR/1000380463")
.header("Cookie", "<Your Cookie here>")