i have imbrecated json objects, i am struggling with this error when i try to loop inside PieData to fill pieChart this is my code
var PieData = [
for(b in quizs[i].quests[j].reps){
/* if(quizs[i].quests[j].reps[b]["stat"]==null){
var l = 1;
var l =quizs[i].quests[j].reps[b]["stat"]
{%set h = 'hex'%}
value : 2,
startAngle: 240,
color : '{{h}}',
label : quizs[i].quests[j].reps[b]["rep"]
}, }
when i if i try to change to static for => for (var r = 0; r < 2; r++) { i always get the same error, any help is appreciatred
You can't use for
in array declaration.
var PieData = [];
for (var b in quizs[i].quests[j].reps) {
value: 2,
startAngle: 240,
color: "{{h}}",
label: quizs[i].quests[j].reps[b]["rep"]
will looks cleaner here
var PieData = quizs[i].quests[j].reps.map(i => ({
value: 2,
startAngle: 240,
color: "{{h}}",
label: i.rep