I make a web app that with every new entry by user it creates a folder under grails-app/conf/templates/(user.id)
def showImage(){
def baseFolder = 'E:\\untitled1\\grails-app\\conf\\templates'
def subFolder = baseFolder + '\\' + "${item.id}"
def imageList1 = new File(subFolder).list()
println imageList1
def imageList = Arrays.asList(imageList1)
println imageList
[imageList: imageList]}
and here my gsp
<g:each in="${imageList}" status="i" var="image">
<img src="${createLinkTo(dir: 'E:\\untitled1\\grails- app\\conf\\templates\\70' , file: "${i}.png")}" alt="${i}"/>
i put a random folder 70 in order to try a sample and it appears the correct name of the images like 0.png, 1.png ,2.png but it displays broken image symbol
Any ideas ?
uses your applications name as a namespace which alone prevents this from working. Your links will end up in a form of src="yourappname/E:..."
Also, grails does not expose resources under conf/
by default to web. Place your files under web-app/templates/
and change the createLinkTo
to createLinkTo(dir:'templates', file: "${i}.png")
Please include your grails version in the description and any plugins you use.