I have this (imitating actual production data) xml which needs to be converted into JSON as follows.(I am using Jackson2.8):
<testCode code="ABC" lang="java" />
The POJOs i have for this are as follows:
@XmlType(name = "Phone", propOrder = {
public class Phone extends PhoneBase {
protected TestCode testCode;
The TestCode is as follows:
@XmlType(name = "TestCode", propOrder = {
public class TestCode {
protected String descriptor;
@XmlAttribute(required = true)
protected String code;
protected String lang;
On converting it into JSON, i get below:
testCode: {
code: "ABC",
lang: "java"
While i want something as follows:
testCode: "ABC"
Please note, i am ignoring any other attribute and flatening "code". Also, "code" it self is not needed.
Can someone please suggest any pointer? I tried XmlElementWrapper but it did not work.
I was able to resolve it by providing below method in my TestCode class:
public String toJson() {
return this.code;
Posting it as it might help somebody.