May I know, how to find the element for upload button and proceed it with a mouse click by the following HTML code below:
<div class="uploadImage-wrap">
<!-- Comment Title -->
<div class="uploadImageTitle-wrap">
<h2>Upload Files</h2>
<div id="uploadImage-containerSEC-2">
<div id="dropzoneplaceSEC-2" class="dz-message">
<div class="needsclick">
<i class="fa fa-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i></br>
Drop files here to upload.<br> or browse for a file
<input name="userFileName" type="hidden" value="" id="userFileNameSEC-2">
<input name="issueKey" type="hidden" value="" id="issueKeySEC-2">
<a href="#"><button type="button" id="uploadImageButtonSEC-2" class="btn blue changeBtn display-none" style='margin-left:40%;' onclick="addAttachmentForIssue(this)">Upload</button></a>
According your comment:
yup i wanna click the button as once i uploaded the image the upload button only appear. how can i do that?
you have to use WebDriverWait
to wait until element will be clickable:
// after you have uploaded an image
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
var clickableElement = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsClickable(By.Id("uploadImageButtonSEC-2")));;
this will wait at least 1 minute until element will be clickable and only then clicks on it.
Note: if your id is generic, you can use xPath
to locate it:
//button[starts-with(@id, 'uploadImageButton')]
and code:
// after you have uploaded an image
var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
var clickableElement = wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementIsClickable(By.Xpath("//button[starts-with(@id, 'uploadImageButton')]")));;