I have one question!
I just want, just...convert Texture2D to Byte[] using EncodeToJPG() function!
My workspace is Unity and C# Script, + OpenCvSharp.
Maybe you think that It is easy, but It have some problem.
this script use OpenVR(HTC VIVE).
Anyway, Here is my source.
var source = SteamVR_TrackedCamera.Source(undistorted);
//Receive texture data from VR.
texture = source.texture;
//Debug.Log(source.texture.width + "/" + source.texture.height);
//size : 612 /460
if (texture == null)
//Input texture data into material, and it's in unity (quad GameObject).
//this G.O print display like camera
material.mainTexture = texture;
//here is my src, I want to save Image but texture.EncodeToJPG has some error.
Cv2.ImShow("_Texture ...", Mat.FromImageData(texture.EncodeToJPG()));
Cv2.ImWrite(SavePath+ "Image.jpg", Mat.FromImageData(texture.EncodeToJPG()));
and...there is problem. variable texture is abnormal Texture2D type.
if (_texture == null)
_texture = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture((int)header.nWidth, (int)header.nHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, false, nativeTex);
//_texture = new Texture2D(612, 460, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
uint width = 0, height = 0;
var frameBounds = new VRTextureBounds_t();
if (trackedCamera.GetVideoStreamTextureSize(deviceIndex, frameType, ref frameBounds, ref width, ref height) == EVRTrackedCameraError.None)
// Account for textures being upside-down in Unity.
frameBounds.vMin = 1.0f - frameBounds.vMin;
frameBounds.vMax = 1.0f - frameBounds.vMax;
this.frameBounds = frameBounds;
that _texture is created by function CreateExternalTexture and it has parameter of Intptr type named nativeTex.
I don't know how can I do?
+++ edit! Error display +++
declared this function:
private Texture2D ReadExternalTexture(Texture externalTexture)
Texture2D myTexture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height);
//myTexture2D => empty Texture2D type variable
if (myTexture2D == null)
Debug.Log("var: myTexture2D is null state.");
myTexture2D = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height);
//Make RenderTexture type variable
RenderTexture tmp = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(
Graphics.Blit(externalTexture, tmp);
RenderTexture previous = RenderTexture.active;
RenderTexture.active = tmp;
myTexture2D.ReadPixels(new UnityEngine.Rect(0, 0, tmp.width, tmp.height), 0, 0);
RenderTexture.active = previous;
return myTexture2D;
and use ReadExternalTexture Function in void Update():
_texture = ReadExternalTexture(material.mainTexture);
Mat mat = Mat.FromImageData(_texture.EncodeToPNG());
Cv2.Flip(mat, mat, 0);
//Flip(src, dest, 0->updown flip / 1->leftright flip)
Cv2.Resize(mat, mat, new Size(224, 224));
Cv2.ImShow("Image", mat);
//Cv2.ImWrite(SavePath + "Image.jpg", mat);
and this worked totally!