I have not found much of an answer in VBA on this, but I am making a Minesweeper 5x5 board, and am trying to have cells surrounding a mine to display how many mines are touching it. I am able to get the middle 9 to work, ie the spaces with an "X":
But I'm having serious trouble getting the bordering cells to also count. Here is my code:
For i = 2 To 4
For j = 2 To 4
If BombArray(i, j) <> "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = 0
If BombArray(i + 1, j - 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i + 1, j) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i + 1, j + 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i, j - 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i, j + 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i - 1, j - 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i - 1, j) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If BombArray(i - 1, j + 1) = "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
I have my index set to 2 to 4 because otherwise Excel throws me an Error '9': Subscript out of range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Test to see if you're on the boundary before you test the cell:
For i = 1 To 5
For j = 1 To 5
If BombArray(i, j) <> "X" Then
BombArray(i, j) = 0
If j <> 1 And i <> 5 Then
If BombArray(i + 1, j - 1) = "X" Then BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
If i <> 5 Then
If BombArray(i + 1, j) = "X" Then BombArray(i, j) = BombArray(i, j) + 1
End If
End If
Next j
Next i