I am working on moving data from Google App engine datastore to Cloud SQL and I searched every where for any tool or process for this I Got few details/link are :
1. https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/export-import-entities
2. https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/console/datastore-backing-up-restoring
3. https://johanndutoit.net/importing-a-datastore-backup-for-local-development-on-app-engine/
4. Exporting Google App Engine Datastore to MySQL?
But didn't got the perfect solution. Can anyone please help me in findout the efficient approach, any tool or guidelines by which I can move complete data on Mysql. Some table using other tables keys in their column values so we need to take care of key mismatch problem.
Your help would be appreciated.
I completed the migration from DataStore to CloudSQL. My Journey proceeded as follows:
Above are the steps in summarized way which required to migrate from DataStore to CloudSql.