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Dagger2 - Cross-Module Dependecy

I'm trying to build a simple cross-module dependency with Dagger2.

When I rebuild the project, all DaggerComponents go down.

I have the genereal application dependency injection package for the Application:

Component - General DI

@Component( modules = { MyAppModule.class } )
public interface MyAppComponent {

    void inject( MyApp application );

Module - General DI

public class MyAppModule {

    private MyApp mMyApp;

    public MyAppModule( MyApp application ) {
        mMyApp = application;

    public Application provideApplication() {
        return mMyApp;

    public SharedPreferences provideSharedPreferences( MyApp application ) {
        return PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences( application );

    public MyDatabase provideMyDatabase() {
        return new MyDatabase();

    public MyRepositoryContract provideMyRepository( MyDatabase database, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences ) {
        return new MyRepository( database, sharedPreferences );

I have a layer called Main that need use MyRepository, but when I try do the Dependency, all go down.

Component - Main DI ( MyApp Dependency )

@Component( dependencies = { MyAppModule.class },  // <- Contains requested provider
            modules = { MainModule.class } )
public interface MainComponent {

    void inject( MainActivity view );

Module - Main DI ( MyApp Dependency )

@Module( includes = { MyAppModule.class } )  // <- Contains requested provider
public class MainModule {

    private final MainContract.View mView;

    public MainModule( MainContract.View view ) {
        mView = view;

    public MainContract.Model provideModel( MyRepositoryContract repository ) { 
        return new MainModel( repository ); // <- My requested object from MyApp DI package

    public MainContract.View provideView() {
        return mView;

    public MainContract.Presenter providePresenter( MainContract.Model model, MainContract.View
            view ) {
        return new MainPresenter( model, view );

MainScope - Main DI ( MyApp Dependency )

@Retention( RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME )
@interface MainScope {


  • The @Component annotation is already defined in MyAppComponent, all short lived components use @SubComponent as they build on the top of higher-level components. This is happening because there is another declaration of @Component annotation in theMainComponent file, try to use @Subcomponent annotation for that file.