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Spring AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.scan() is scanning wrong package

A class of mine ( in a certain package (packageC) uses an annotation which result in the following error:

NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [] is defined

The annotations used are from a 3rd party library (

I am not using XML to configure Spring. What I do is that during the set up of my application I create an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext object which I use to scan packages for annotated classes and later create beans from that classes.

Application initialiser:


final private AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

public void initApp() {
    //packageC is not scanned
    ctx.scan("packageA", "packageB");

// Called by the application when a bean is required
public <A> A getBeanForClass(Class<A> clazz) {
    return ctx.getBean(clazz);


Since I know that the annotations from the 3rd party library cannot be managed by Spring (rather, Spring cannot create beans from that library) I have excluded from the scan the package of mine which containing classes use the 3rd party annotations:


package packageC


public class MyClass {


     public void someMethod() {

My question is why I get the error if I am not telling Spring to create beans from annotated classes in "packageC"???

I have to add that someMethod() uses an object from a class in a package which is scanned.

I was probably too vague but I would like to focus on the scan behaviour of AnnotationConfigApplicationContext rather than trying to start a discussion about implementation details.

In any case here are some details of my application:

  1. The application uses Play! framework (v2.3.8)
  2. Spring initialisation is done in the Global object (as per Play-Spring-Jpa tutorial)
  3. The 'offending' 3rd library is Deadbolt (with its @Restrict annotations)

Thank you for any clarification you might give me :)


I have found a related problem on play-framework google group. Please note that there the guy is actually scanning the package with the annotated classes... I am NOT.


  • You should add an annotation such as @Component or@Configuration or @Service

    at the head of [] class, to make the spring context know it.

    is a spring bean.