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How to get option text from a dijit.form.Select?

I have a dijit.form.Select on my page:

<c:set var="qualId" value="${}" />
<select id="qualification" name="qualification" dojoType="dijit.form.Select" onchange="checkForPHD()">
    <option value="-1" label="                      "> </option>
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope.qualifications}" var="qualItem">
        <c:when test="${qualId eq}">
            <option value="${}" selected = "selected">${}</option>
            <option value="${}">${}</option>

Then some javascript that I'm trying to use to set some text to the TEXT of the option chosen from the select box;

    function checkForPHD() {    
        dojo.byId('clazzPHDMessage').innerHTML = dojo.byId('qualification')

I'd read that the .attr('displayedValue') was suppose to get the text from the selected option in a dijit.form.Select but it doesn't seem to do much? .attr('value') got that values ok but I need the TEXT?


  • You should use dijit.byId() to get widget instance. Try to use this code to get selected text:
