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DojoToolkit widget.placeAt() method reference

In DojoToolkit documentation, the page "Creating a custom widget" (this one) it's said that in order to instantiate the new widget, you use the following code:

var widget = new AuthorWidget(author).placeAt(authorContainer);

I spent quite some time trying to find the documentation for "placeAt" method, and can't find it. Now I know Dijit's widgets are derived from dijit/_WidgetBase and dijit/_TemplatedMixin classes, but this method isn't in any of these classes.

The nearest thing that searches find is method.

Anyone knows where the documentation for this method is ?


  • placeAt(reference,position) can be found in moduledijit/_WidgetBase and it provides a shorthand mechanism to put an existing (or newly created) Widget in the dom.


    // create a Button with no srcNodeRef, and place it in the body:
    var button = new Button({ label:"click" }).placeAt(win.body());

    Link to documentation: