I have yandex map on page. For this map i bind event handler 'actionend'.
I need in this handler get current coordinates of map center. Please help me make it.
var myMap;
function init(){
myMap = new ymaps.Map("map", {
center: [55.76, 37.64],
controls: [],
zoom: 18
myMap.events.add('actionend', function (e) {
console.log('stop action');
console.log('print current coords of map center???????????????');
You can get the center coord by calling the getCenter()
method, like this:
var myMap;
function init(){
myMap = new ymaps.Map("map", {
center: [55.76, 37.64],
controls: [],
zoom: 18
myMap.events.add('actionend', function (e) {
See this doc.