I was trying to extract coverage report of my application using following command
OpenCover.Console.exe ^
-register:user ^
-target:"mstest.exe" ^
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:\"C:\myapp\bin\myapp.dll\" /resultsfile:\"myapp.trx\"" ^
-filter:"+[myapp*]* -[myapp.Test]* -[*]myapp.RouteConfig" ^
-mergebyhash ^
-skipautoprops ^
Then report
.\ReportGenerator.exe ^
-reports:"F:\OpenCover\myapp.xml" ^
But I'm getting the following errors when running open cover?
Am I doing anything wrong with command?
PS: I have already registered open cover profiler
I was using mstest.exe instead of vstest.console for running test cases in open cover
Here is batch file code snippet to extract coverage report using open-cover.
::Note:Before running this file, make sure opencover and reportgenerator installed in your system
::Download and read about opencover : https://github.com/OpenCover/opencover
::You can read about vstest.console command line documentation here https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182486.aspx
::Set your project and report location's base path here
SET basePath=C:\MyProject
SET targetReportDir=F:\MyProject
SET targetHtmlReportDir=F:\MyProject\ReportGenerator
::Replace your test project Dll's path here
SET unitTestDlls=%basePath%\Demo.BusinessData\bin\Debug\Demo.BusinessData.Test.dll %basePath%\Demo.Cache.Test\bin\Debug\Demo.Cache.Test.dll
echo Test cases are running...
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user -target:"vstest.console.exe" -targetargs:"%unitTestDlls%" -filter:"+[Demo*]* -[Demo*Test]* -[Demo*Test.Core]* -[Demo*Tests]*" -output:%targetReportDir%\DemoFullReport.xml -mergebyhash
echo Coverage report is preparing and will be saved to %targetHtmlReportDir%\Demo location
ReportGenerator.exe -reports:"%targetReportDir%\DemoFullReport.xml" -targetdir:"%targetHtmlReportDir%\Demo"
Key points to check before running this batch file