I want to change the string "S/" to "S/." only whole word , I tried with Pattern.compile and Matcher.quoteReplacement. I didn't find the solution.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String cadena = "Moneda Actual : S/";
cadena = cadena.replaceAll("\\bS/\\b", "S/.");
This code print :
Moneda Actual : S/
I want to print :
Moneda Actual : S/.
So if original text is "Moneda Actual : S/."
, the algorithm mustn't replace to "S/.."
Use a negative look ahead:
cadena = cadena.replaceAll("\\bS/(?!\\.)", "S/.");
The negative look ahead asserts (without consuming) that the next character is not a dot.
This will also work then "S/"
occurs at the end of the String.
There is no word boundary after a slash and before a dot. Word boundaries are between “word” characters (letters, number and the underscore) and non-“word” characters. Not between whitespace and non-whitespace.