How do I check all checkboxes in this page using protractor ?
I tried to access the elements this way but doesn't seem to be working.
select = element(by.cssContainingText('mat-card-title', 'Classifications'))
Your approach does not work because mat-card-title
does not have any child elements. When chaining element()
calls, it always only searches for child elements.
For selecting the correct elements, we have to take the parent mat-card
and filter it by by.cssContainingText()
After filtering we have to locate the mat-pseudo-checkbox
elements and send a click to these underlying elements.
That can be achieved as follows:
// select correct element group
let wrapper = element.all(by.tagName('mat-card'))
.filter(el => el.element(by.tagName('mat-card-title'))
.then(text => {
console.log('looking if\'', text, '\'contains Classifications');
return text.indexOf('Classifications') > -1;
wrapper.all(by.css('mat-card-content mat-selection-list mat-list-option .mat-list-item-content .mat-list-text'))
.each(async el => await;
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As your test suite grows, you should consider using the Page Object Model
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