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beg2char function in R (qdap package)

I am trying keep only that part of the string left of "keyword". Anything on the right of "keyword" should be removed. beg2char seems like the best choice but its not doing what I thought it would do.

Please advise:

x <-"/index.php/front/yellow/searchHeading/heading/926/h_name/Architects/keyword/A//"

# [1] "/in"


  • If we want to keep the "keyword" in the output, then set include = TRUE:

    x <-"/index.php/front/yellow/searchHeading/heading/926/h_name/Architects/keyword/A//"
    beg2char(x, "keyword", include = TRUE)
    # [1] "/index.php/front/yellow/searchHeading/heading/926/h_name/Architects/keyword"

    If we want to exclude "keyword", then we would do as you did, which doesn't work, because letter "d" is part of the "keyword". Looks like a bug to me, submitted an issue at GitHub:qdap.

    But this works:

    beg2char(x, "k")
    # [1] "/index.php/front/yellow/searchHeading/heading/926/h_name/Architects/"