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What does this chef cookbook code means

I have following inside a recipe.

execute 'disable-all-yum-repos-centos' do
  command 'yum-config-manager --disable "*"'
  action :run
  only_if { centos? }

Now, what does this { centos? } means here, is it a variable being called? or some inbuilt function, as i learned,variables are called like node[variable name] or #{ node[variable name]} if inside a string,this above mentioned thing is new for me,help me to understand.

I understand that it's checking if the os is centos, but, what is this syntax? and how this is evaluated.


  • It is a function call enclosed in a block. If you drop the block, Chef will call system command, you can see more examples in the documentation.

    It looks like your code is using chef-sugar cookbook, centos? method is defined here.