I am writing a WPF application that loads dummy data to a datagrid. The data grid contains the following data model:
public class CharacterCollection
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; }
public string Race { get; set; }
public string Class { get; set; }
public List<CharacterCollection> GetCharacters()
List<CharacterCollection> characters = new List<CharacterCollection>();
characters.Add(new CharacterCollection { Name = "Lothar", Class = "Fighter", Race = "Human", Level = 5 });
characters.Add(new CharacterCollection { Name = "Turk", Class = "Barbarian", Race = "Half-Orc", Level = 3 });
characters.Add(new CharacterCollection { Name = "Melian", Class = "Cleric", Race = "Elf", Level = 10 });
//... there's about 16 more entries, but you get the idea ;)
return characters;
Next, I added 4 combo boxes; each filled with one of the properties in CharacterCollection
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private CharacterCollection _characters = new CharacterCollection();
List<CharacterCollection> collection = new List<CharacterCollection>();
public MainWindow()
collection = _characters.GetCharacters();
dgCharacterChart.ItemsSource = collection;
var characterNames = collection.Select(c =>c.Name).Distinct().ToList();
foreach(var item in characterNames)
CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
cb.Content = item.ToString();
//...the other 3 combo boxes are filled the same way. I know its ugly and I will work on abstracting this a little better :)
So far what I got are 4 combo boxes populated with checkboxes which the user can check however many they want. These are going to be used for filtering.
Lastly, I have a filter button...
private void btnFilter_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ICollectionView _characterCollection = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(collection);
var predicates = new List<Predicate<CharacterCollection>>();
foreach (CheckBox checkbox in cbName.Items)
if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
predicates.Add(new Predicate<CharacterCollection>(x => x.Name == checkbox.Content.ToString()));
foreach (CheckBox checkbox in cbClass.Items)
if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
predicates.Add(new Predicate<CharacterCollection>(x => x.Class == checkbox.Content.ToString()));
foreach (CheckBox checkbox in cbLevel.Items)
if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
predicates.Add(new Predicate<CharacterCollection>(x => x.Level == Convert.ToInt32(checkbox.Content)));
foreach (CheckBox checkbox in cbRace.Items)
if (checkbox.IsChecked == true)
predicates.Add(new Predicate<CharacterCollection>(x => x.Race == checkbox.Content.ToString()));
_characterCollection.Filter = o =>
predicates.All(predicate => predicate(o as CharacterCollection));
dgCharacterChart.ItemsSource = _characterCollection;
When I click the button with just one field chosen, say from the Name combo box, it filters just fine. However, if I choose more than one from Name or if I start checking multiple entries from the other combo boxes then my data grid shows blank. When I debug my code I can see that my predicate list contains all of my entries marked as checked but my collection count is 0. Can someone help me figure out why I am getting these results?
Many thanks in advance.
I did something similar but I did filtering via textbox. May be it will help you.
.Xaml as follows
<TextBox FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Text="{Binding Item , UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}" Margin="6,0,0,0" BorderThickness="0" PreviewKeyDown="ItemField_PreviewKeyDown" TextChanged="ItemField_TextChanged" IsReadOnly="{Binding IsReadonly}" />
.Xaml.cs as follows
private ObservableCollection<ItemGrid> _itemGrid = new ObservableCollection<ItemGrid>();
public ObservableCollection<ItemGrid> ItemGrid
return _itemGrid;
_itemGrid = value;
private void ItemField_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
if (isBeginingEdit) return;
//here we show the item selector and take care of autocomplete
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox.Text != "")
var _itemSourceList = new CollectionViewSource() { Source = ItemGrid };
ICollectionView Itemlist = _itemSourceList.View;
ItemSearchText = textBox.Text;
Itemlist.Filter = ItemFilter;
var count = _itemSourceList.View.Cast<ItemGrid>().Count();
if (count > 0)
ItemsGrid.ItemsSource = Itemlist;