I'm getting an error
ScalaFiddle.scala:45: error: ambiguous implicit values:
both getter _ewriter in module class ScalaFiddle of type =>
and getter _jwriter in module class ScalaFiddle of type =>
match expected type json.this.Reads[T]
val result: Soccer=Json.fromJson(t2).get
Anyone know what this means or any hints on what to read to resolve?
In general, I've also tried Circe and Spray (no luck either), do these macros rely on the field names being exactly the same as the json field names?
Code in question: https://scalafiddle.io/sf/BOUqhMz/0
Edit: Json in question, thanks! https://pastebin.com/usScQWd7
Write Json.fromJson[Soccer](t2).get
I did not understand your schema but that is how you pass the implicit