I have three actions in a MobX State Tree store: the first fetches data form the API, the second sends a POST request using the data from the API in the database, and the third takes the response and saves it to the store.
The store is comprised simply of a map of these data structures called Lists:
export const ListStore = types
.model('ListStore', {
lists: types.map(List),
The first two actions to send the GET and POST requests work fine:
.actions((self) => ({
fetchTitles: flow(function* fetchTitles(params: Params) {
const env = getStoreEnv(self);
const { clients } = env;
const browseParams: BrowseParams = {
category: 'movies',
imdb_score_min: params.filter.imdbFilterScore,
let browseResult;
try {
browseResult = yield clients.browseClient.fetch(browseParams);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch titles', error);
return browseResult.data.results.map((title) => title.uuid);
.actions((self) => ({
postList: flow(function* postList(params: Params) {
const env = getStoreEnv(self);
const { clients } = env;
const titles = yield self.fetchTitles(params);
return clients.listClient.create({
name: params.name,
invites: params.invites,
filter: params.filter,
But when it comes to the third action, actually saving the List to the ListStore, no such luck. I've tried quite a few variations, but simply none of them work. Honestly I am not too familiar with generator syntax, and I even tried doing it without the generator. Here you can see my attempts:
createList: flow(function* createList(params: Params) {
const env = getStoreEnv(self);
const list = yield self.postList(params);
console.log('list in createList', list.data);
return self.lists.put(List.create({ ...list.data }, env));
// return self.lists.set(list.id, list.data);
createList: flow(function* createList(params: Params) {
const list = yield self.postList(params);
console.log('list in createList', list.data);
yield self.lists.set(list.id, list.data);
createList(params: Params) {
return self.postList(params).then((list) => {
console.log('list in createList', list.data);
self.lists.set(list.id, list.data);
createList: flow(function* createList(params: Params) {
yield self.postList(params).then((list) => {
console.log('list in createList', list.data);
return self.lists.set(list.id, list.data);
I've tried with both .set()
and .put()
, but to no avail. I've also tried using yield
and return
...nothing seems to work. The data logged in console.log('list in createList', list.data);
looks correct and matches the model (and if it didn't, wouldn't I get an error saying so?). No errors are logged to the console, it just silently fails.
If you can spot the error and see how this should be written, I will be extremely grateful. Thank you!
It turns out that the issue was not with the syntax: as you can see in the first comment by the maintainer of MST, the second version is correct.
The problem lies in the way the model (not shown here) was created.