I created an abstract Light
class with fields and methods common for all the lights and now I try to derive a Directional Light
from it.
class Light
unsigned int strength;
Color color;
unsigned int index;
Light() {};
virtual ~Light() = 0;
virtual pointLuminosity() = 0;
class DirectionalLight : public Light
Vector direction;
DirectionalLight(const unsigned int &_strength, [...] ): strength(_strength), [...] {}
The above code results in an error:
error: class 'DirectionalLight' does not have any field named 'strength'
What is the proper way to derive all the fields from Light
class and use them in the DirectionalLight
You can use strength anywhere but an initialiser list. This works
DirectionalLight(const unsigned int &_strength) { strength = _strength; }
Alternatively you can add a constructor to Light
class Light
unsigned int strength;
Light(unsigned s) : strength(s) {}
DirectionalLight(const unsigned int &_strength) : Light(_strength) {}