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List only folders of certain depth using Java 8 streams

Considering there is the "new" streams API in Java 8 I can use Files.walk to iterate over a folder. How can I only get the child folders of my given directory if using this method or maybe depth=2?

I currently have this working example, which sadly also prints the root path as all "subfolders".

     .forEach(f -> {
        if (Files.isDirectory(f)) {

I therefore reverted to the following approach. Which stores the folders in memory and needs handling of the stored list afterwards, which I would avoid and use lambdas instead.

File[] directories = new File("/your/path/").listFiles(File::isDirectory);


  • To list only sub-directories of a given directory:

    Path dir = Paths.get("/path/to/stuff/");
    Files.walk(dir, 1)
         .filter(p -> Files.isDirectory(p) && ! p.equals(dir))
         .forEach(p -> System.out.println(p.getFileName()));