How can I combine BinaryExpression
and Expression<Func<dynamic / T, bool>>
For example:
void AddGlobalFilter<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "t");
var member = Expression.Property(filter.Parameter, field);
var constant = Expression.Constant(null);
var body = Expression.Equal(member, constant);
var combine = Expression.AndAlso(body, expr);
I am trying to define global filter for Entity Framework (EF) Core. The problem is I must manually combine multiple filters.
One filter may be added in ModelBuilder
if model implements IDbDeleted
Another could be added manually for specific model. Basic idea is I have a list of all Expressions, and then combine them:
var expression = listExpressions.First();
foreach (var second in listExpressions.Skip(1))
expression = Expression.AndAlso(expression, second);
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda(expression, parameter);
Of course I get error (first is from Expression.Equal
and second from t => t...
The filter expression 't => t => (Not(t. ...
Edited: code looks something like that:
public class DbMyEntity : IDeleted
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime? DateTimeDeleted { get; set; }
public interface IDeleted
DateTime? DateTimeDeleted { get; set; }
public class MyContext : IdentityDbContext
private Dictionary<Type, List<Expression>> dict = new Dictionary<Type, List<Expression>>();
private Dictionary<Type, ParameterExpression> dictParameter = new Dictionary<Type, ParameterExpression>();
private ParameterExpression GetParameter(Type type)
if (!this.dictParameter.ContainsKey(type))
this.dictParameter.Add(type, Expression.Parameter(type, "t"));
return this.dictParameter[type];
private void AddToDict(Type type, Expression expr)
if (!this.dict.ContainsKey(type))
this.dict.Add(type, new List<Expression>());
this.GetParameter(type); //Just to create ParameterExpression if not exists.
private void AddToDict<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expr)
this.AddToDict(typeof(T), expr);
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
foreach (var entity in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
if (typeof(IDeleted).IsAssignableFrom(entity.ClrType))
var member = Expression.Property(this.GetParameter(entity.ClrType), "DateTimeDeleted");
var constant = Expression.Constant(null);
var body = Expression.Equal(member, constant);
this.AddToDict(entity.ClrType, body);
//This is done in another project in same solution. See comment bellow.
this.AddToDict<DbMyEntity>(t => t.Name == null || t.Name == "Something");
//foreach (var builderType in allDllModules)
// if (builderType != null && builderType != typeof(ICustomModelBuilder))
// {
// var builder = (ICustomModelBuilder)Activator.CreateInstance(builderType);
// builder.Build(modelBuilder);
// }
foreach (var item in this.dict)
var expression = item.Value.First();
foreach (var second in item.Value.Skip(1))
expression = Expression.AndAlso(expression, second);
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda(expression, this.dictParameter[item.Key]);
You are mixing expressions with lambda expressions. There are many posts showing how you can combine lambda expressions, but the essential part is to compose expressions from lambda expression bodies and rebind the parameters.
The later is usually achieved by a custom ExpressionVisitor
like this:
using System.Linq.Expressions;
public static class ExpressionExtensions
public static Expression ReplaceParameter(this Expression expression, ParameterExpression source, Expression target)
return new ParameterReplacer { Source = source, Target = target }.Visit(expression);
class ParameterReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
public ParameterExpression Source;
public Expression Target;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
return node == Source ? Target : base.VisitParameter(node);
Now regarding the EF Core combined query filters.
Using dictionaries and expression lists seems overcomplicated for what are you doing. Since IMutableEntityType
provides read/write access to the QueryFilter
, the same can be achieved with a small set of a custom extension methods.
All they go inside a class like this:
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders;
public static class QueryFilterExtensions
First method:
public static void AddQueryFilter(this IMutableEntityType target, LambdaExpression filter)
if (target.QueryFilter == null)
target.QueryFilter = filter;
var parameter = target.QueryFilter.Parameters[0];
var left = target.QueryFilter.Body;
var right = filter.Body.ReplaceParameter(filter.Parameters[0], parameter);
var body = Expression.AndAlso(left, right);
target.QueryFilter = Expression.Lambda(body, parameter);
This is a non generic method which combines the exiting filter with passed filter using AndAlso
(C# &&
) operator and shows the aforementioned lambda expression combining principles.
However it's not so useful directly, like inside your entity type configuration loop (it can, but requires you to build manually the lambda expression instead of letting C# compiler do that). So here comes the second method:
public static void AddQueryFilter<T>(this IMutableEntityType target, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)
LambdaExpression targetFilter = filter;
if (target.ClrType != typeof(T))
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(target.ClrType, "e");
var body = filter.Body.ReplaceParameter(filter.Parameters[0], parameter);
targetFilter = Expression.Lambda(body, parameter);
It's a generic method - not quite type-safe, but allows you to use a compile time lambda expression and bind it to the actual entity type as follows:
foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
if (typeof(IDeleted).IsAssignableFrom(entityType.ClrType))
entityType.AddQueryFilter<IDeleted>(e => e.DateTimeDeleted == null);
Looks better, isn't it :)
The last custom extension method is complement to (replacement of) the standard EF Core generic HasQueryFilter
public static EntityTypeBuilder<TEntity> AddQueryFilter<TEntity>(this EntityTypeBuilder<TEntity> target, Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter)
where TEntity : class
return target;
and allows you to replace
this.AddToDict<DbMyEntity>(t => t.Name == null || t.Name == "Something");
with the more convenient
.AddQueryFilter(t => t.Name == null || t.Name == "Something");
Update (EF Core 3.0): QueryFilter
property has been replaced with GetQueryFilter
and SetQueryFilter
extension methods.