What I want to achieve is to create a Service(?) which starts/gets registered once Application gets installed and keeps monitor items stored in Array. These items are products with expiry dates so if today is the day of expiry I want to show a notification about it no matter if application is currently running or not.
I have already searched internet and Android developers website for an answer and here is what I learned:
What I don't know how to do is:
Generally, I know the basics and how it should work but I lack a concept how to implement it so it will be effective.
Thanks for all answers! :)
Some code of my custom Service as for now:
class ExpiryMonitorService : Service() {
private val productsArray: ArrayList<ProductEntry> = ArrayList()
// Binder which will be given to clients
private val mBinder: IBinder = LocalBinder()
inner class LocalBinder : Binder() {
fun getService() : ExpiryMonitorService {
// Return this instance of ExpiryMonitorService so clients can call public methods
return this@ExpiryMonitorService
override fun onBind(intent: Intent?): IBinder {
return mBinder
override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
return START_STICKY // Restart this service if it gets killed by the system
The answer isn't a service. Its an AlarmManager (or JobScheduler) set to the expiration of the closes to expiration item, and a database of items and expiration dates. When the job goes off, it sends the notification and schedules the next alarm/job based on the data in the db.
Service isn't the answer because a service can be killed at any time for resources. In addition, on modern versions of Android a Service has limits to how much background processing it can do before being killed. Neither of these makes for a good monitoring solution. Luckily you don't actually need monitoring, you just need to be alerted at a certain time, which is perfect for an alarm.