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How to change message "Invalid Date" in ngx bootstrap datepicker without being in node modules

I changed the language of my datepicker but the message that appears is still in English. I know it is inside ngx-bootstrap / chronos / locale / locale.defaults.ts where it brings the following information

export declare const defaultInvalidDate = "Invalid date";

I would also like to change this message. Is there any information I have to add to the "input [bsConfig] =" ... Anyway, where can I change this message without moving the Node Modules folder? Thank you.


  • I finally managed to do it :

    You can import your LocaleData object and the function defineLocale:

    import {enGbLocale} from 'ngx-bootstrap/locale';
    import {BsLocaleService, defineLocale} from 'ngx-bootstrap';

    Then, in your constructor you can access every attributes of enGbLocale and modify it:

    constructor(private localeService: BsLocaleService) {
        enGbLocale.invalidDate = 'Custom label';
        defineLocale('custom locale', enGbLocale); 
        this.localeService.use('custom locale');