I use a GD4430 handheld scanner from the company Datalogic with the included OPOS driver. With the following code I manage to address the scanner. When I start the program, the scanner becomes active and you can scan. But I can not display the results in a TextBox.
Does anyone see where the error lies?
Visual Studio 2010 C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace TestRead
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
axOPOSScanner1.DeviceEnabled = true;
axOPOSScanner1.DataEventEnabled = true;
axOPOSScanner1.PowerNotify = 1; //(OPOS_PN_ENABLED);
axOPOSScanner1.DecodeData = true;
void axOPOSScanner1_DataEvent(object sender, AxOposScanner_CCO._IOPOSScannerEvents_DataEventEvent e)
textBox1.Text = axOPOSScanner1.ScanDataLabel;
textBox2.Text = axOPOSScanner1.ScanData.ToString();
axOPOSScanner1.DataEventEnabled = true;
axOPOSScanner1.DataEventEnabled = true;
Was not the processing of AxOPOSScanner1.BeginInit() on the source originally in Form1.Designer.cs instead of here?
(I am assuming that the source file name is Form1.cs)
As below(in Form1.Designer.cs):
this.axOPOSScanner1 = new AxOposScanner_CCO.AxOPOSScanner();
There is a possibility that the problem has occurred because you moved it to Form1.cs or calling BiginInit() on both Form1.Designer.cs and Form1.cs.
Or, the following processing does not exist in Form1.Designer.cs, or there is a possibility that the specified function name(axOPOSScanner1_DataEvent) is wrong.
this.axOPOSScanner1.DataEvent += new AxOposScanner_CCO._IOPOSScannerEvents_DataEventEventHandler(this.axOPOSScanner1_DataEvent);
What you should do is to temporarily store the return value of all the methods, add a process to determine whether the method was executed normally, likewise It is to read the ResultCode property immediately after setting the property(possibly causing an error) and add processing to judge whether the property setting was done normally.
Also, although not related to DataEvent, PowerNotify setting must be done before DeviceEnabled = true.