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Switch To A Different Function After Function Finishes

I have a script for creating and managing Active Directory users.

After a function has run, I need it to switch back to the RBFTMenu function.

Is there a way to do this?



function RBFTMenu {
    Write-Host 'User Creation

1. Create a Single User
2. Create Multiple Users


Active Directory ~ User Management

3. Password Reset
4. Disable/Enable A User Account


Exchange ~ User Management

5. Give Full Mailbox Access

q. Quit


    while (($RBFTSelection = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please Select An Option & Press Enter') -notin 1,2,3,4,5 ,'q') {
        Write-Warning "$RBFTSelection is not a valid option"

    switch ($RBFTSelection) {
        1 { New-UserManualRBFT }
        2 { New-UserFromCSVRBFT }
        3 { PasswordResetRBFT }
        4 { DisableEnableUserRBFT }
        5 { FullAccessRBFT }

Example End Of Function

Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
echo "Press Any Key To Close"
$HOST.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") | Out-Null


  • Assuming that the function returns something by which you can decide which action to take you could invoke it in a loop like this:

    while ($true) {
        $action = RBFTMenu
        switch ($action) {


    Since you handle the actions in your menu function you just need to call your function in a loop:

    while ($true) {

    You should add an exit branch to your switch statement, though:

    switch ($RBFTSelection) {
        1 { New-UserManualRBFT }
        'q' { exit }