Converting a handlebars/ marionette project into React.
Need to map an array of two objects:
[{COAL: 462, GAS: 400, MIXED: 230, OIL: 288, TOTAL: 1380}, {COAL: 0, GAS: 0, MIXED: 0, OIL: 0, TOTAL: 0}]
This is how I'm currently doing that:
<tr className="Total">
<td className="tableBoldBorder hide">Total</td>
{ =>
R.values(totals).map(totals => (
<td className="{{@key}}Column">{formatNumberValues(totals)}</td>
All well and good. Observe @key though, that is still a handlebars function. Essentially, I want the classname to coincide with the column being rendered ie. COALColumn -> 462, GASColumn -> 400 etc.
The issue is, I have lost the keys during the mapping process. R.values(totals).map gives the following output:
[[462, 400, 230, 288, 1380], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
Is there anyway to get access to the keys to allow for dynamic, mapped classNames?
Thanks for reading!
What I'm currently getting:
Result I want:
The className "TOTALColumn" will render a border on that specific column. Hard coding this, as I've done in the attached image, is not an option.
You could use Object.keys
instead of Object.values
to map over the keys:
<tr className="Total">
<td className="tableBoldBorder hide">Total</td>
{ =>
Object.keys(totals).map(key => (
<td className={`${key}Column`}>{formatNumberValues(totals[key])}</td>