Using stdarg.h, I can only pull one type because I have to know the types im retrieving. How then, does printf manage to be a variadic function with any type, in C no less?
uses the format string to determine at run time what sort of argument to pull.
I haven't looked at the source to printf()
, but one possible implementation might contain a switch something like this:
switch (type_specifier)
case 's':
str = va_arg(args, char *);
/* output str as a string */
case 'd':
number = va_arg(args, int);
/* output number as a decimal value */
Note that a full implementation will be vastly more complex than this when you factor in all the various types of arguments, all the various sizes the arguments can be, the fact that "%*d" makes an extra va_arg() usage to get the width of the number, and that width specifiers can vary the output as well.