I'm trying to multiply a 5 x 3
matrix X
by its transpose tX
in R.
> X
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 13 0.5
[2,] 1 23 0.4
[3,] 1 7 -0.2
[4,] 1 16 1.0
[5,] 1 11 0.3
> tX
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 1.0
[2,] 13.0 23.0 7.0 16 11.0
[3,] 0.5 0.4 -0.2 1 0.3
> tX * X
Error in tX * X: array incompatibili
I did this in MATLAB and got immediately the right result. Why can't I do this in R? Thank You.
You need tX %*% X
. Or try crossprod(X)
. See ?"%*%"
Actually, if you just read the matrix-multiplication info, you will see this. I added it in two days ago.
The "*"
is used for Hadamard product, i.e., the element-wise product. Since tX
and X
don't have the same dimension, you get error. (A hint: I don't know how you get tX
. In R, function t
transposes a matrix. See transpose info.)
I haven't used MATLAB for 10 years. The following docs for R2018a looks different from what I recall.
Anyway, the syntax between two scientific languages are different enough.