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Create a Gtk.TreeView from a flat file list GTK C#

I am wondering if any one could help me I am just learning Gtk and c# and I am finding it hard to find an example which shows how to create a TreeView from a flat list of files.

            var paths = new List<string>

Then I am then trying to put them into a hierarchical form and put them into a tree, I am unsure how to create tree from the flat paths.

    private static void FillTree(IEnumerable<string> paths)
        FileTreeView = new Gtk.TreeView();

        Gtk.TreeViewColumn Column = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();

        string subPathA;
        foreach (string path in paths)
            subPathAgg = string.Empty;
            var builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            foreach (string subPath in path.Split(@"\"))
                builder.Append(subPath + @"\");

                Console.WriteLine(subPath + @"\");
            subPathAgg = builder.ToString();


  • TreeView is a powerful widget, in my opinion a too powerful mixing. I wrote a GtkUtil module that contains the GtkTableTextView class, which makes it easier to user the TreeView.

    With this class, you will be able to create the table as follows:

    var tvTable = new Gtk.TreeView();
    this.Add( tvTable );
    var Headers = new string[] { "#", "Path" };
    var ttTable = new GtkUtil.TableTextView( this.tvTable, Headers.Count, Headers.Count );
    ttTable.Headers = Headers;
    foreach(string path in paths) {
        ttTable.Set( i, 1, path );

    If you still prefer to do it without a library, then you should follow the standard tutorial about treeview.

    var tree = new Gtk.TreeView ();
    this.Add( tree );
    // Create a column for the file path
    Gtk.TreeViewColumn pathColumn = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
    pathColumn.Title = "Path";
    tree.appendColumn( pathColumn );
    // Create an appropriate model
    var pathListStore = new Gtk.ListStore( typeof( string ) );
    tree.Model = pathListStore;
    // Add the data
    foreach(string path in paths) {
        tree.AppendValues( path );

    Hope this helps.