Pattern rules work:
$ ls
Makefile hello.txt world.txt
$ cat Makefile
all: hello.out world.out
%.out: %.txt
cp $< $@
$ make
cp hello.txt hello.out
cp world.txt world.out
However, when I try to replace them with what I think is the exact equivalent suffix rules, they don't work:
$ ls
Makefile hello.txt world.txt
$ cat Makefile
all: hello.out world.out
cp $< $@
$ make
make: *** No rule to make target 'hello.out', needed by 'all'. Stop.
I don't understand why.
This line is the problem:
.SUFFIXES: .txt.out
It declares a single suffix, .txt.out
, not two of them. You can change it to this:
.SUFFIXES: .txt .out