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Scala-Maven project on Eclipse

I am trying to use this Scala project.

The project contains maven dependencies so I have created a pom.xml and then I have imported the project as a maven project in eclipse.

In order to test the project I tried to add a Scala class, but I'm surprised that I can't.

this is my pom.xml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






i imported it to eclipse as a maven project then i build the maven project.

My questions are:

1) is my approach right ?

2) if 1) is right then how can I use this Scala project with maven ??


  • In order to import a Scala Maven Project on eclipse, you need to :

    • install Scala plugin for eclipse (HELP>ECLIPS MARKETPLACE>”search for Scala ide”)

    • Install Maven Integration for Scala IDE(HELP>INSTALL NEW SOFTWARE>”search for”)

    • Import project as Existing Maven Projects