Hi all and sorry for my English, I'm not very good at writing.
I am actually programming a booking system for a cinema (it is an University project). I have a LinkedList of Users and inside i put an ArrayList of booked seat. The bookedSeat Class is the following:
public class bookedSeat implements Serializable {
private Hours h;
private Days d;
private int hallNumber;
private int seatNumber;
//getter&setter and constructor below...
When i display the booking of a user i use the toString method:
public String toString() {
String ret="\n \033[31m Booking " + ": day: " + getD()
+ ", Hall: " + getH() + ", hour: " + getH() + ", seat number: " +
getSeatNumber() + "\n";
return ret;
I get this output once i book a couple of seat:
User{Nome=Daniele, Booked Seat: [
Booking : Day: 24, Hall: 1, hour: 20, seat number: 45
Booking : Day: 29, Hall: 1, hour: 20, seat number: 24
I now ask to user which booking he wants to dismiss and i ask him to write the number of booking so i can save this value-1 and remove the related index (1 for the first, 2 for the second etc...).
Is there a chance to get the number of the Booking from the toString method? to be more clear: I want this output from the toString:
User{Nome=Daniele, Booked Seat: [
Booking 1: Day: 24, Hall: 1, hour: 20, seat number: 45
Booking 2: Day: 29, Hall: 1, hour: 20, seat number: 24
Thanks for any efforts to help!
You need to add the index to the final string in the toString
of User
, not BookedSeat
// User.toString
public String toString() {
StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder("User{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", bookedSeats=[");
for (int i = 0 ; i < bookedSeats.size() ; i++) {
retVal.append("Booking ");
retVal.append(i + 1);
retVal.append(": ")
return retVal.toString();
// BookedSeat.toString
public String toString() {
return "Hours: " + h +
", Days: " + d +
", Hall Number: " + hallNumber +
", Seat Number: " + seatNumber;