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WinSCP password with percent sign in batch file

Py remote PC [whose login password cannot be changed] has few special characters, notably the percent sign (%). So WinSCP script that i have written is unable to log in.

As per this document, I tried to the following, but I couldn't get any success.

My password is admin%^&. I followed the above document and modified the password like this admin%25^&.

How do I escape special character for WinSCP to log in?

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" ^
  /log="C:\!Y!M!D_Log.log" /ini=nul ^
  /command ^
    "open  sftp://admin:admin%25^&@" ^
    "put *.* %REMOTE_PATH%" ^


  • The ^ and & do not really need to be encoded (while it does not do any harm). The % does, what you correctly did as %25. It would work, if specified on WinSCP command-line directly. The actual problem is that the % has a special meaning also in a batch file, not only in WinSCP. %2 is replaced by the second parameter of the batch file, even before WinSCP is started. If no (second) parameter is provided to the batch file, WinSCP sees admin5^& (%2 is gone).

    If you want to use % literally in a batch file, you need to double it: admin%%25^&.

    Easy way is to have WinSCP GUI generate a batch file for you (note that it will [unnecessarily] encode even ^ and &).

    This is covered in WinSCP FAQ Why are some WinSCP scripting commands specified in a batch file not executed/failing?